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Drinking fountains

Functional design

A drinking fountain is an easy and costless way to quench thirst or fill up a water bottle. That is healthy for the people drinking the water and for the environment. The drinking fountain from Fokdal Springvand provides fresh drinking water all year around and is suitable in a wide range of venues including schools, sports facilities, parks and public squares. The design makes it easy to access the water jet with your mouth or bottle. The unique design is robust, resistant to vandalism, secured against frost, and requires only a minimum of maintenance. A message or advertisement can be placed on the side of the drinking fountain.

New Hands-Free Design 2020

The newest hands-free model provides fresh drinking water activated by a motion sensor on the side of the drinking fountain.

More About Drinking Fountains

Do you have questions about functionality, pricing, assortment or former experiences? Contact us today at +45 5944 0565 or at
